Behind the Logo: Why Hare Dance?

My logo is a nod to my Irish roots—my interest in Irish history & folklore and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. Unique to Ireland, the Irish hare is one of the few surviving native species. Known as an giorria in Irish, this powerful yet elegant creature is considered a sacred animal. In Spring and Summer, cloaked in dusk’s half-light they perform a courtship dance leaping and bounding and spinning in circles. Dancing like no-one is watching.

Except that I am. Suddenly spotting the little Leitrim girl holding her breath, they freeze. They stare at me—poised bodies of contained energy waiting to explode to speeds of 45mph the instant I move and break the connection.  I am drawn to the hare, so forceful and capable, yet in those brief moments that they dance, playful and spirited.

 Each aspect of the logo is highly symbolic; from the ancient Celtic designs that form the skeleton of the hare to the crescent moon background. The three-pronged, Neolithic-age triskele suggests the mind, body, soul triad. The crescent moon alludes to impermanence and transience.  The interlacing design patterns refer to the interconnectedness of the human experience. Combined,  these elements point to my interest in the ancient Celtic and Tibetan-Buddhist philosophies. I see myself as part of a legacy; situated within Irish literary and historical traditions and fuelled by the energy of all those who came before me. My logo and branding pays homage to this conviction.  


Celtic Blessing


An Irish Girl in the Himalayas Part II—Annapurna